My 15-year catalog of reassurances.

15 years & 2 volumes of quotes
I've been a collector of other people's thoughts since I was a teenager. I began cataloging quotes from books and people—I'd write down any sentence that felt right.

Words from creatives mostly, but also scientists, athletes—words about creating your work, about pursuing the ideas inside of you, about how difficult being alive truly is. My particular favorites are from female artists who lived long before me (Morisot, Kollwitz, Martin)—their words are a warm hug through time and space.
Lately I've been playing with type drawings using these wisdoms, like the one at top from Debbie Millman, graphic design queen (from her interview on Brene Brown's podcast, UM dream duo)
AND final update on the bridge painting: she is done! And it was time for her to get off the easel, so now she just lays about the house. She's part of a bigger body of work I'm currently putting together and will be sharing later this year.

A few things worth sharing

FOOD: I am lately obsessed with @nocrumbsleft IG account. I tried her simple trick marinated onions this week (red onions sliced submerged in olive oil+red wine vinegar+oregano), and I've been adding them to sandwiches and salads and HOTDAMN, delish.

QUOTE: One of my favorites from Georgia O'Keeffe:
"On the other days one is hurrying through the other things one imagines one has to do to keep one's life going. You get the garden planted. You get the roof fixed. You take the dog to the vet. You spend a day with a friend. ... But always you are hurrying through these things with a certain amount of aggravation so that you can get at the paintings again because that is the high spot. In a way it is what you do all the other things for. The painting is like a thread that runs through all the reasons for all the other things that make one's life."
Hey, thanks!
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